Tag Archives: honeybees

The Care and Feeding of Your Bees

Springtime is coming. The honeybees are flying on warm winter days, getting ready for the busy time of spring. But are your honeybees ready for the hard work ahead?
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Bees Under Attack!

One of my beehives was going crazy

Talk about unsettling! Two days ago I looked out of the window and saw one of my beehives going crazy.  I instinctively thought, “Oh no, they are going to swarm!”  Then I remembered I had just added another hive box, so there was plenty of room for them to build more comb.  What was going on?
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Grab the FeedBurner Feed!

FeedBurnerThe Bee Space Blog is now available through FeedBurner!  FeedBurner is a great (and free) service that takes the RSS feed from the blog here,  “burns” or imprints it with awesome features and then syndicates the feed to any and all subscribers.  You can subscribe through your favorite feed reader, or by email.  With email, you can have the latest posts delivered right to your inbox.  You can subscribe by reader or you can subscribe by email. It is fast and easy, and you will have the latest posts delivered right where you want them.  Couldn’t be better!

Bee-friendly Beekeeping

Humanity depends on the lowly honeybee

Honeybees are in trouble. Varroa mites, nosema, colony collapse disorder and foul brood have all taken their collective toll on the small but hardworking insect to which humanity owes so much. Besides furnishing honey for commercial bread-baking and beeswax for quite a few of the top of the line cosmetic supplies, bees regularly pollinate over one-third of the world’s agriculturally derived food supply. Needless to say, humanity depends on the lowly honeybee.
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First Hive in Use

First Warre Hive in Colorado

On Tuesday, April 22, 2008, I installed a package of bees in the first Warre Hive here in Northern Colorado, USA. It has been one week since then, and the bees are happily living in their new home. They have been bringing in a good bit of pollen and and nectar. There is a creek in the gully near the hive, so I do not need put out any water for them.
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